Shanghai Lil and The Scarlet Fez
Mark McCarthy, the maker behind Shanghai Lil and The Scarlet Fez, makes all-natural cold-process soap, perfumes and skincare. Mark's inspiration comes from memories of the garden, the smell of cut grass, autumn leaves, the first rain on warm concrete and the wondrous range of flowers and leaves. Mark grew up with a patient father who built young Mark his very own shade house and "farm" in his back garden. This influenced his taste for plants with soft furry leaves, heady-scented flowers, gaudy colours and sweet fruit. Hewasn't a natural green thumb but in his early days on the "farm", helped introduced him to the natural world of scents, sights, textures and tastes of the nature. He started making his own soap a few years ago with the aim of creating the gentlest, and most natural, cleanser. Trialing a range of oils with varying success until a recipe for a creamy lather soap was born. And best of all, scented soaps using natural essential oils, many of which remind him of his childhood experiences. From there, Shanghai Lil and The Scarlet Fez expanded to perfume, face mists and even something for the house, room sprays. All Shanghai Lil and Scarlet Fez products are made with natural ingredients and are vegan friendly. The best part is that Mark is able to bring the natural scents of flowers, woods, resins, leaves and roots into the palm of your hand. |